Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum, and similar bacteria that causes flaccid paralysis in humans and that same toxin causes botulism, which is a life-threatening form of food poisoning.
Botox was approved by FDA on December 9, 1991 to be safely used for medical conditions such as cerebral palsy, post-stroke spasticity, spasms of the head and neck that cause migraine headaches. It is also used to control uncontrolled blinking of the eyelids, and to relax the clenching muscles which include the esophagus and jaw.
Botox is also used in treating the lower urinary tract, overactive bladder and overactive sweat glands of the armpit. Botulinum toxin is used to treat any muscle stiffness in the arms, hands, legs and feet in adults and children over the age of two.
Side effects of Botox injections may include drooping eyelids, uneven eyebrows, dry eye or excessive tearing, crooked smiles or drooling around the mouth. The good news is that these symptoms are not permanent and will take a few weeks to dissipate and facial expressions will go back to normal. Botox may also cause more serious side effects that need medical attention such; as difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing and speaking and can even cause vision problems.
Botox is safe to use and has several medical and cosmetic benefits as long as it’s administered by a licensed professional.